Experiencing and expressing the love of God to others
God's House Orlando is a group of very real people who worship passionately, pray effectively, instruct carefully, connect sincerely, relate honestly, forgive quickly, serve tangibly, grow gradually, manage wisely, and live fearlessly. Not just a different way to do church, it is a better way to do life!

Love God. Love yourself. Love others.
We experience and express God's love through what we call the 3 E's: Encounter the living God. Equip with His Word and Spirit. Engage the world around us with that love.
Latest Sermon
We invite you to join us for live worship or online through our website and social media. The messages are relevant, authentic, and biblical.
Service Times
Sundays at 10am
Adult Bible Study - Sundays 9am
Adult Bible Study - Sundays 9am